dinosaur provincial park, alberta, canada
dromaeosaurus on the prowl
These things are everywhere. The rattlesnakes and scorpions in the park are nothing compared to these predators,
and they always hunt in packs. We used up our whole can of bear spray on one of these critters... which just made it angry.
"comfort camping"
If you think this is a Hermione Granger tent, you'd be right.
"comfort camping," inside
It comes with a queen bed, heater, fan, refrigerator, and a whole cabinet full of cooking stuff and dishware. The grill
outside has a side burner. And if the bugs manage to get in, there's a mosquito netting that can be arranged around the bed.
We didn't need it.
+ TD
It needs bookshelves, though...
+ JB
the red river
This was the view from our front porch.
+ TD
Coyotes howled and yapped near the opposite bank on our last morning. The distance was quite acceptable.
+ JB
the Front Porch
Ya, me soaking up late afternoon sun. Felt really good after several chilly days.
+ JB
The road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
+ J.R.R. Tolkien