wisconsin concrete park
Fred Smith's legacy
Fred Smith, 1886 - 1976
He said "It's gotta be in ya to do it."
He had no formal art training but he felt he had to do this concrete thing "for the people."
He never sold anything or did anywork on commission, he just wanted people to come and see what he made.
For more information take a look at
Friends of Fred Smith
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+ TD
And he created these for everyone to enjoy.
+ JB
Hans Everson's kerosene wagon
Hans delivered kerosene and Red Crown gasoline.
another view of Hans Everson's kerosene wagon
Hans Everson himself...
...wearing the logo for the kerosene company, Red Crown. I like his determined look - and side burns.
+ JB
every face was unique
this one kind of looks like it belongs in a Wallace and Gromit episode.
yoked oxen
Paul Bunyan...
appaently this sculpture was hoisted into place using a logging truck. It was the first monumental sculpture Fred Smith made -
he is indeed standing tall in the world.
political statement:
take your pick, current occupant of white house, or wisconsin governor's mansion, or substitute a politician of your choice!
a double wedding,
celebration under way.
Very Large Caught Fish
A ten-foot muskie (or perhaps a stand-in working on "Jaws").
+ JB
complete with fancy mane thingies...bottles...
Which way?
...they went that-a-way...
...come between a mother bear and her cub.
Budweiser clydesdale team...
...hauling beer barrels. This was Fred's last and most ambitious project, completed in 1964.