road trip     


Badlands: Cliff Shelf Trail

A nature trail that took us off the road and back into the formations.

Badlands: Cliff Shelf Trail

Just don't put anything you don't want bit into rock crevices you can't see into.

Badlands: Cliff Shelf Trail


Badlands: Cliff Shelf Trail


Badlands: Window Trail

A "window" is a notch in the badlands formations that allows a "peek" into the nooks and crags not normally seen. These formatons seen from the window's cliff ledge were about 50 feet down.

Badlands: Window Trail

The "windowsill."

Badlands: Window Trail

OK now, how do I get down from here?. This technically was not on the Window Trail, but in the Badlands it's OK to go off-trail. The place erodes at a rate of one inch per year, so I suppose no one is really worried about bootprints.

Badlands: Yellow Mounds formation


Badlands: Yellow Mounds formation


Badlands: Yellow Mounds formation



Storms rolling through. They some brought relief from the 100-degree heat...


...and a double rainbow that was a complete bow, both ends visible and the whole arc above.


Text and images copyright 2017 Thomas D'Alessio